There are a lot of very good reasons why you should install a heat pump in your workplace. Employee morale and productivity can be affected by poor air quality, think also of the increase in sick days as air borne viruses have the potential to spread amongst your staff, resulting in multiple staff taking simultaneous days off work. Productivity just took a huge dive.

Productivity affected by staff illnesses

A stagnant and stale office where the air sits and hovers is not a morale or productivity inducing environment.

As more and more staff fill the office, the air starts to get fuller – other bodies, cologne and body heat, all make an already stagnant and stale heaviness of odor in the air much stronger.

Invest in the best heatpump

Chances are your staff won’t be feeling motivated or in a productive mode and clients too may be equally put-off.

Here are 5 areas of focus to get you thinking about your work place and its level of productivity:

Air Flow and Ventilation

Most offices are located in buildings that are closed off with non-opening windows. There may also be several doors to go through to get to certain rooms; however those multiple doors do not allow air flow, which is vital when attempting to prevent air from becoming stagnant and stale. Not to mention, this stagnant air makes the perfect breading ground for bacteria and mould. What you need is air flow and a replacement of old air with new, clean air.

Air Conditioning

When you notice several members of your staff have fans on their desk set at full speed, this is a clear indication that the air conditioning in your office isn’t working properly and those fans are simply circulating the air, that everyone is breathing over and over. So if somebody in your team is sick, everyone is going to breath in that same sickly air.

New air flow must be introduced into the office so that the old air is pulled out. A good quality heat pump can do just that, both in the summer and winter months. A heat pump actually moves air out of the office and pulls in fresh air, giving you the same effect as an window open with a flowing breeze would.


A quality heat pump will require less maintenance than the old style of central air and heating systems. They use much less power which keeps utility costs to a minimum. They also have less buildup of dirt, dust and germs that create mould.

Humid or Not

When the office air is too damp, it is also an unhealthy environment for you and your employees. The risk of mould buildup inside the air vents is a breeding ground for germs and illnesses. When the air is too dry, it’s uncomfortable. You can use dehumidifiers or humidifiers, but installing a quality heat pump can do the work of both all year round and in the long run it’s a great money saver.

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Plants help to keep the air fresh inside your office, however when the air inside isn’t healthy, it will be reflected in the plants. If they are in need of excessive watering or they appear wilted, it is a clear indication that your indoor environment is not as it should be, it is not optimal. Added to that, dead plants just aren’t a good look especially if you have clients coming in. No one wants their office to showcase death and decay.

To put it quite simply, to get the most production from your staff, a quality heat pump will do wonders and deliver for your staff a level of air quality that lends itself to increased productivity and overall healthy air and fresh, more motivated staff.

Your initial outlay will be returned in short time with lower utility bills, less sick days and more production from the staff.

So, if you want these business benefits think seriously about installing a heat pump in your work place.

The professional and skilled staff at Heat and Cool can work with you to arrive at the best heat pump option for your situation and improve the working and healthly environment for all your staff.

So give us a call and let our knowledgeable staff guide you through your journey to better air quality, cost effectiveness and happy and healthy staff.