Heat pumps are not new, the technology has been available for many years, but it is only fairly recently that major manufacturers such as Mitsubishi that are practical and affordable for most households.

They are know to be one of the most efficient and safest forms of heating available they also offer many features.

We realise it can be overwhelming to decide what you are looking for when purchasing heating for your home; is a heat pump more energy efficient than a wood burner? What are the benefits of a heat pump versus a pellet fire or gas heating? Will it be cheaper to run a heat pump or gas central heating?

What is a heat pump?

A heat pump is an electrical device that extracts naturally occurring energy (heat) from the air around it and processes that energy in order to provide heating for the home.

In effect, the heat pump is a modern-day, fuel-efficient replacement for the traditional central heating boiler.

How does a heat pump work?

The heat pump differs from a domestic boiler in that it does not burn fuel, i.e. gas, oil, coal or wood in order to generate heat. This alone results in substantial environmental benefits and accounts for a large part of the cost savings involved.

The main components in a heat pump are very similar to those found in a refrigerator and include a compressor, a couple of heat exchangers and an expansion valve.

Technically the processes used are similar to and like a refrigerator with the only energy being used is a small amount of electricity. The heat pump uses a modified form of the process as used in the refrigerator and upgrades the naturally occurring energy in the air and makes use of this to provide domestic heating and hot water.

Are heat pumps easy to install?



The installation process is usually very straightforward and there is no need for any groundwork or external pumps. Installation can normally be carried out quickly by a qualified electrician and little to no building work should be necessary.

Additional fuel supply or pipework is not usually required and a normal electricity supply is sufficient, although larger units may require a three phase supply, however this would not normally apply in domestic installations.

What are the long Term implications of installing a domestic heat pump?

Modern heat pump units are low maintenance and have a very low noise level. They are very efficient both in terms of running cost and environmental benefits.

It is estimated that for every one unit of electricity consumed by the heat pump, three units of heat are returned. Even on the coldest of days there will be enough latent heat in the air to enable the heat pump to produce the levels of heat required in a normal domestic environment.

As good citizens, we are of course, all concerned with the environment and CO2 emissions are something that we would all like to reduce. Anyone who feels that way will be pleased to learn that heat pumps are 50 % lower on their CO2 emissions than some conventional heating methods.

So, if you want to save money, save energy and save the planet, you can now make all of that happen by installing a heat pump and the professional, skilled staff at Heat and Cool can work with you to arrive at the best heat pump option for your home. Their aim is to improve your lifestyle and your family’s home environment for the better.

Check out the specials page for our heat pump and installation offer.

You maybe surprised to realise that heat pump warmth is financially attainable for you and even better, it turns out that what’s good for the environment is also good for your finances.

So give us a call and let our knowledgable staff guide you through your heating journey of environmental soundness, cost effectiveness and fast heating throughout the home.