Our Top 5 Tips To Reduce Your Power Bill This Summer

Our Top 5 Tips To Reduce Your Power Bill This Summer

Summertime brings all the things we Kiwis love – BBQs, friends & family, sun, sand, and the list goes on. On the one hand, the weather is beautiful and there’s so much fun to be had. But on the other hand, sometimes the heat can get a little too much. With...

Home Ventilation, and why you need it.

 A properly ventilated home is a healthier home for you and your whanau. A ventilation system fills your home with drier, fresher air (that is easier to heat) and will help to reduce moisture levels in your home. A give-away clue for a home that needs ventilation is...
Choosing The Right Heat Pump For Your Home

Choosing The Right Heat Pump For Your Home

It’s been a chilly winter so far and so there is never a better time to make sure your home has the best heating system available ready to keep you and your family warm and cosy. For most homes in the Auckland area, a Mitsubishi heat pump is the ideal heating...